What To Do With Plastic Hangers: A Complete Recycling Guide

Wet Clothes Hangers

Are you wondering what to do with all those plastic hangers cluttering your closet? Look no further! In this complete recycling guide, we’ll show you how to dispose of plastic hangers and reduce waste.

You’ll learn about checking the recycling number, removing metal parts, and even using specialized recycling companies. Plus, we’ll share donation options and creative DIY projects.

Take action today and join the movement toward a more sustainable future!

Importance of Recycling in Reducing Plastic Waste

Recycling is crucial in reducing plastic waste and its harmful impact on our environment. By recycling, you actively contribute to the conservation of natural resources and the reduction of pollution.

When you recycle plastic, it can be transformed into new products instead of ending up in landfills or oceans, where it takes hundreds of years to decompose. Moreover, recycling plastic hangers reduces the need for new plastic production, which requires vast amounts of energy and contributes to greenhouse gas emissions.

black hangers

Are All Hangers Recyclable?

You may be wondering, “Are hangers recyclable?” Even more so, are plastic hangers recyclable? The answer is: it depends. Not all hangers are recyclable, but many can be if done correctly.

When it comes to plastic hangers, most of them are made from plastics that are difficult to recycle, like plastic number six or plastic number seven. These hangers cannot be recycled and should be avoided. However, you can still make a difference by donating unbroken hangers to local thrift or charity stores.

Metal hangers, on the other hand, can be taken to dry cleaners or recycled at scrapyards. As for wooden hangers, they are not recyclable due to varnish or paint treatment, but you can remove the metal parts for recycling and place the rest in general waste.

Can You Recycle Plastic Hangers at Home?

So, can you recycle plastic hangers? Of course! Doing this at home can be done by checking your local recycling policy for specific guidelines. Start by looking for the recycling number on the hanger, usually number six.

Before recycling, make sure to remove any metal parts from the hanger. Another option is to avoid collecting plastic hangers altogether and opt for wooden hangers instead, which are more easily recyclable. By reprocessing plastic hangers, you can help reduce waste and conserve natural resources.

Remember to always check your local recycling policy for the most accurate information on how to recycle plastic hangers at home.

Preparing Plastic Hangers for Recycling

When it comes to recycling plastic hangers, there are a few important steps to take.

Removing Any Metal or Non-Plastic Parts

To recycle plastic hangers, it’s important to remove any metal or non-plastic parts before recycling. Here are four steps to follow:

  1. Carefully inspect the hanger and identify any metal or non-plastic components.
  2. Use pliers or scissors to detach these parts from the hanger. Be cautious not to damage the plastic.
  3. Once you’ve removed all metal or non-plastic elements, you can place the plastic hanger in the recycling bin.
  4. Remember to check your local recycling guidelines to ensure plastic hangers are accepted in your area.

clothes in a hanger

Cleaning and Sorting Hangers for Efficient Recycling

Cleaning and sorting your hangers will ensure efficient recycling and help reduce waste in our environment. Start by gathering all your plastic hangers and giving them a thorough cleaning. Use mild soap and warm water to remove any dirt or stains.

Once they are clean, separate the hangers by type. Sort them into categories such as tube hangers or hangers made of plastic and metal. This will make it easier to recycle them properly.

Reducing Hanger Waste Through Donation or Reuse

Now that you have learned about cleaning and sorting hangers for efficient recycling, it’s time to explore another way to reduce hanger waste: donation or reuse.

By donating or reusing plastic hangers, you can help extend their lifespan and prevent them from ending up in landfills. Here are a few actions you can take:

  • Consider donating unbroken hangers to local thrift or charity stores.
  • Metal hangers can be taken to dry cleaners.
  • Return branded hangers to the store through take-back programs.
  • Ask sales clerks about their hanger practices and suggest more sustainable options.

Alternative Disposal Methods

Looking for creative ways to reuse plastic hangers at home? Let’s explore some fun DIY projects that can breathe new life into your old hangers.

Reusing Plastic Hangers Creatively at Home

If you’re feeling creative, you can repurpose plastic hangers at home for various DIY projects. Instead of throwing them away, consider these fun ideas:

  • Transform plastic hangers into jewelry holders, giving your accessories a stylish and organized home.
  • Use old hangers as back scratchers, providing relief and relaxation.
  • Paint and decorate old hangers for a refreshed look, adding a personal touch to your closet.
  • Repurpose hangers as dish drying racks or belt organizers, maximizing their usefulness in your home.

Donating Plastic Hangers to Local Thrift Stores or Charities.

Donating plastic hangers to local thrift stores or charities is a simple yet impactful way to reduce waste and support the community. As mentioned earlier, plastic hangers are often overlooked as a source of environmental concern due to their small size, but their accumulation in landfills can contribute to pollution and take centuries to decompose. By donating these hangers, we can extend their lifespan and minimize their impact on the environment.

Local thrift stores and charities are often in need of hangers to organize and display their donated clothing items. By donating plastic hangers, we can help these organizations efficiently manage their inventory and ensure that donated items are easily accessible to those in need.

Additionally, this act of giving provides an opportunity to support local businesses and charities, creating a positive impact on the community. Donating plastic hangers may seem like a small action, but it can make a significant difference in reducing waste and supporting those in need.

Eco-Friendly Hanger Options

When it comes to choosing eco-friendly hangers, you have options like wooden, bamboo, or metal hangers. These alternatives are more sustainable than plastic hangers, as they are made from renewable materials and can be recycled or reused.

Wooden, Bamboo, or Metal Hangers as Eco-Friendly Options

Wooden, bamboo, or metal hangers are sustainable alternatives to plastic hangers that can help reduce waste and promote eco-friendly practices in the fashion industry. These alternative hangers offer durability, style, and a lower environmental impact. Here is a bit more on each type:

  • Wooden hangers: Made from renewable materials, wooden hangers are sturdy and can support heavy garments without warping. They add a touch of elegance to your closet and can be reused for a long time.
  • Bamboo hangers: Bamboo is a fast-growing and sustainable resource. Hangers made from bamboo are strong, lightweight, and biodegradable. They are an excellent choice for those who prioritize eco-consciousness.
  • Metal hangers: Metal hangers, such as stainless steel or aluminum, are durable and long-lasting. They can withstand heavy loads and are easily recyclable at the end of their lifespan.
  • Eco-friendly production: Wooden, bamboo, and metal hangers are often produced using eco-friendly manufacturing processes, reducing the carbon footprint associated with their production.

hanger tip view


So there you have it, a complete guide on what to do with plastic hangers.

By recycling them, you are taking an important step in reducing plastic waste and conserving our natural resources. Remember to check the recycling number on the hanger and remove any metal parts before recycling.

If recycling is not an option, consider donating them to organizations or getting creative with DIY projects. Don’t forget to support sustainable fashion brands and recycling programs to make a positive impact on the environment.


What plastic are hangers made of?

Plastic hangers are usually made from either plastic number six or plastic number seven. However, they are difficult to recycle, so you will need to take extra measures. These measures can include removing any metal parts, utilizing specialized recycling services, or opting for wooden hangers to reduce plastic waste.

What do I do with plastic hangers?

Consider donating your unneeded plastic hangers to local thrift or charity stores. Instead of throwing them away, these hangers can find new life and be used by someone else.

Are plastic hangers bad for the environment?

Yes, plastic hangers are generally considered bad for the environment. They are made from non-biodegradable materials and contribute to plastic pollution and waste in landfills. Additionally, their production requires fossil fuels and generates greenhouse gas emissions.

What can I use instead of plastic hangers?

If you’re looking for alternatives to plastic hangers, there are several options available. One is to switch to wooden hangers. Another alternative is using velvet hangers, but you can also go for bamboo hangers. If you prefer a more budget-friendly option, you can try using fabric or padded hangers. Lastly, you can consider using hangers made from recycled materials.

Are wooden hangers eco-friendly?

Yes, wooden hangers are generally considered eco-friendly. They are made from a renewable resource and can be recycled or composted at the end of their lifespan. Additionally, wooden hangers are durable and long-lasting, reducing the need for frequent replacements and minimizing waste.

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