Reasons Why a Home Always Feels Hot

woman holding aircon remote

• Drafts and leaks can cause heat buildup in your home, so weatherstripping and caulking are necessary to seal any gaps. 

• Insulation is important to keep the heat out during summer, so check the attic, basement, and crawl spaces for air leaks. 

• Install air filters to help filter out dust and pollen that can make the air in your home feel hot and stuffy. 

• Open windows during the hottest part of the day, which can help move hot air out and cooler air in.

Have you ever wondered why your home always feels hot, no matter what temperature you set your thermostat? You’re not alone. This is a common problem that many homeowners face. But don’t worry! You can do several things to help keep your house cool and comfortable. Look at some of the most common reasons why your home feels so hot and explore a few solutions to this problem.

Drafts and Leaks

The first step in cooling down your home is to identify any drafts or leaks contributing to the heat buildup inside the house. Drafts occur when gaps between windows, doors, or other parts of the structure allow hot air from outside to enter your home. On the other hand, leaks occur when hot air from a room in your home can flow into other parts of the house, such as through cracks in walls or around window frames.

Fixing the Drafts

Once you have identified the source of your drafts, take steps to fix them. To seal the gaps, you can look into weatherstripping or caulking around doors and windows. If that doesn’t work, you may need to invest in a window replacement or new door installation. A good replacement is made of insulated glass to help keep the heat out during summer.

Fixing the Leaks

Leaky areas can be more difficult to identify and fix. Start by examining any walls or ceilings with a flashlight for visible cracks. If you find one, seal it up with caulk. You may also need to check the attic, basement, and crawl spaces for air leaks. Try blocking off these areas with foam insulation to prevent hot air from coming in.

Improper Insulation

Another common problem that can cause heat buildup in your home is improper insulation. If your home was built before 1980, chances are it doesn’t have adequate insulation or R-value needed to keep out the heat. If you don’t have enough insulation for your climate, your home can become extremely hot during the summer months. The best way to fix this issue is by investing in the following:

Insulate the Attic

Start by insulating the attic, one of the most important areas for temperature control. Fiberglass or foam board insulation can help keep cool air in and hot air out. Ensure your insulation is correctly installed and sealed around any exterior walls.

A professional installing insulation in the attic

Insulate Exterior Walls

Exterior walls are another area that needs to be properly insulated. You can use foam or fiberglass insulation in the walls to help keep cool air in and hot air out. Ensure you fill gaps or cracks with caulk and seal any seams around windows and doors.

Use Insulated Roofing Systems

Insulated roofing systems are a great way to keep your home cool and comfortable. This type of insulation helps stop the heat from entering your home through the roof and prevents it from escaping during winter. These lightweight materials reflect heat away from the roof, allowing your home to stay cool and comfortable.

Ventilation Systems

If you have an older ventilation system, such as an attic fan or exhaust fan, these systems may not work efficiently enough to keep up with the amount of hot air entering your home from outside sources. Consider removing them and doing the following effective ventilation systems instead:

Open the Windows

One of the simplest solutions to keep your home cool is to open the windows during the hottest part of the day. This will allow for a cross-breeze, which can help move hot air out and cooler air in from outside. However, make sure you only do this when it’s safe to do so. If there’s a chance of strong winds or rain, it’s best to keep the windows shut.

A woman opening a bedroom window to let some sun and air in

Install Air Filters

Another way to cool down your home is to install air filters. These devices will help filter out dust, pollen, and other particles that can make the air in your home feel hot and stuffy. Invest in high-quality filters designed to block out pollutants while allowing enough airflow into the house.

You don’t have to constantly suffer from a hot and stuffy house. These tips can help keep your home cool and comfortable all year long. With these solutions, you can enjoy a cool and comfortable home even during the hottest summer days.

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